Tutoring Support

Qualifications matter! Our team of teacher-tutors are all certified teachers in good standing with the Ontario College of Teachers. Many of them also have additional qualifications in Special Education, English as a Second Language, as well as brain injury.

Educational Consulting

Experience is on your side! Our educational consultants have an extensive background in teaching and learning, and we understand how the system works. Our comprehensive services include student advocacy, IEP writing, school investigation and placement, and MORE! We have over 100 years collective experience in supporting students and advocating for their learning needs. We're here to help you every step of the way!


Need to better understand your child's literacy and numeracy skills? Not sure where they are at with their learning and study strategies? Need to better understand next steps with respect to work-related goals and post-secondary studies? We can help!

Professional Development

We're always happy to support the learning goals of others! If you and your team would like to build capacity around brain injury, special education, and best practices in teaching and learning, then look no further. We're here to help inform your practice and provide you with tools that will see you set up for success! Stay tuned for online learning options!

Need more information?

Call us today! We're always happy to help!

Ready to make a referral?

Our quick and easy referral process can be done online, or by contacting our office directly.